Fiipinos are Worth Dying For’ : Sen. Ninoy Aquino Jr.

 By: Laidel Hizola

Photo By: Angelo Taperi

It was August 21, 1983, when the tarmac at Manila International Airport, now known as Ninoy Aquino International Airport, became the stage for a moment that would forever change the course of Philippine history. Senator Ninoy Aquino Jr., the man who had dared to dream of a free and democratic Philippines, returned from exile. But before his feet could touch the ground of the homeland he loved, an assassin’s bullet ended his life. The country stood still, shocked and grief-stricken, but his death was not in vain. 

Today, the values that Ninoy stood for—courage, conviction, and the undying hope for a better tomorrow—are alive and well. They resonate in the youth who march in the streets, in the activists who boldly speak truth to power, and in every ordinary citizen who dares to dream of a brighter Philippines.

As we remember Ninoy Aquino today, let’s do more than just recall his words; let’s live by them. Let’s stand up for what’s right. Be fearless in the face of adversity and believe like he did, that Filipinos are indeed, worth dying for.


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