World Sports Journalist Day 2024: Honoring the Contributions of Sports Journalists


By: James Dioneda

Photo By: Alona Myka Balbastro

World Sports Journalists Day, also known as International Sports Journalists Day, is an annual event held on July 2nd since 1994 to recognize and celebrate the contributions of sports journalists worldwide.

Sports journalism involves writing that covers topics and competitions related to sports. According to Oxford Research Encyclopedias, sports journalism has historically been labeled as "the toy department," associated with trivial pursuits rather than hard news reporting. 

Consequently, sports journalists are sometimes perceived as having lower professionalism and status, with accusations of being influenced by their sources.

However, AIPS (International Sports Press Association, abbreviated from its French name, Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive) founded World Sports Journalists Day to foster camaraderie, unity, and shared interests among sports journalists from all countries and ensure optimal working conditions for its members.

Likewise, this day aims to inspire and acknowledge the achievements of sports journalists, encouraging aspiring individuals to pursue careers in this field. Moreover, raising global awareness about sports.

Let’s take a look at the timeline of World Sports Day. In the 1820s to 1830s, the era of sports journalism commenced. The first full-time newspaper sports department was established in the "New York World" in 1883. In 1924, the International Sports Press Association was founded in Paris, France, during the Olympic Games. Finally, World Sports Journalists Day was created by the A.I.P.S. in 1994.

In addition, World Sports Journalists Day is celebrated through various events organized by sports organizations. It is an opportunity to learn more about sports journalism, recognize the achievements and contributions of journalists in this field, and show appreciation by sending a note to your favorite sports journalist on this special day.


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