We fear to speak but should overcome the fear


By: Cassandra Cabaysa

Photo By: Gio Andreson Laylo

We all know that public speaking is one of the skills we should have to persuade, inform, and convince those who are listening to us, but do you know that there are a lot of people in this world who are afraid of speaking, who have a phobia called "glossophobia," or fear of speaking. This is a common phobia that affects approximately 75% of the population. 

There are a lot of reasons why we have this fear of speaking. It might be from others who don't listen or pay attention to our words, from others who want just their voice to shout you up, or from other things that impact your thoughts about not speaking. 

There are a lot of methods to overcome your fear, but it's up to you: how will you help yourself in this kind of situation? Don't let your fear hold you from anything you want to do or say to anyone. You will not overcome it if you will not face it.  

On this day, we dare to try to speak for our voice, but we should also be the listeners who understand what's on our minds and other thoughts. May we find the freedom to speak anything without fear that we want to share with anyone the happiest moments, problems, anger thoughts, and anything that makes us comfortable sharing.

Happy Freedom from Fear of Speaking Day to everyone!!!


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