KLL's 30th Founding Anniversary wraps up with a Blast
BY: Michelle Angeline Villanueva
PHOTO BY: Emman Ombina
Photo Credits to: Joshua Dimaano
The 30th Founding Anniversary of Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa has officially ended with an evening program---fireworks display, Search for KLL Model Student, talent show of teachers, and a blasting Rave Party---this 14th of February 2024 at the Lipa Academy of Sports Culture and Arts (LASCA) Convention Hall.
After the dazzling fireworks display, Ms. Jenybel Recio from College of Teacher Education (CTE), Bachelor of Secondary Education and Mr. Niel Canilao from College of Communication Arts (CCA) were crowned as KLL Model Students.
Ms. Recio secured her position with her winning answer, emphasizing that leadership is her calling. She made clear that one of the traits of a good leader is the soul for leadership.
"For me, the characteristic of a good student are: First, student who have integrity, commitment, and willing[ness] to excel and learn more about our lives. Aside from that, resilient--the resiliency--and efficient. And also, the soul of a leader because I do believe, it is my calling. Now, I can say, it is my definition of a good student. If you are willing to have a mindset of a leader, to touch each other's heartbeat, to lift other students, encourage them, and give them inspiration to pursue their dream," she said during the question and answer portion, answering the question, 'What are the characteristic of a good student?'
On the other hand, Mr. Canilao gave three reasons why he deserves to be a model student, namely, his honesty, motivation, and dedication. His answer is simple and concise, which evidently appealed to the audience.
"If I were to give three reasons why I deserve to be a model student: first, I am honest; second, I am motivated; and third, I am dedicated to my work. First, I am honest because honesty is the best policy; second, I am motivated because I know that motivation is a key power to success; and the third one or the last one, I am dedicated because I want to be successful in my life," he stated when he was asked to give three reasons why he is deserving to be a model student.
On the other hand, the teachers from every department showcased their talents in dancing, leaving the LASCA in awe and applause.
The CTE is recognized as first placers, for their best performance. It is followed by The College of Business Administration (CBA) who won 2nd place and College of Computer Science (CCS) who won 3rd place.
Lastly, the long awaited rave party was carried on with blinding lights and upbeat music until midnight.
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