World of Peace

By: Kristine May Ramirez Photo By: Emman Ombina A world with peace is all we ever wanted right? Everyone wants to live in world with equality, a world without war and a world where people use to love and respect each other. Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. In our today's current situation people from different countries are now facing such difficulties in terms of obtaining peace and freedom. Misunderstandings, personal issues, jealousy and hatreed are usually the main reasons why people can't achive peacefulness. One of the issues right now about reviving peace is the war between Gaza and Israel. The problem of the two countries originated with Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in year 2005. The war between these two cause a lot of destructions including the life of the individuals. Up until now the issue between Gaza and Israel are still on the hot seat. People are kept asking, when will these two countries end the war and decided to reuni...