Forebears of our Nation

BY: Kristine May T. Ramirez
PHOTO BY: Laidel B. Hizola

"Punitin ang sedula!" "Bayan o sarili, pumili ka?"

Do you still remember these two famous lines by our Philippine heroes? Do you still remember the day they fought for our freedom?

28th of August is the day where we, Filipinos, reminisce the patriotic heroes of the Philippines. As a Filipino, I thank and honor them for their heroic deeds in achieving freedom. They are the heroes who freed us from oppressive foreign race. They are the heroes who sacrificed their lives just for the sake of our country.

People nowadays are slowly forgetting about our heroes. And so I hope you take time asking yourself, "How did we get to this generation where we enjoy freedom?"

Without Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini, Andres Bonifacio and other unsung heroes, the Philippines will still be under the colonial rule of Spaniards or Americans or Japanese.

So let me ask you again, is this not worthy to celebrate?
Give time to appreciate the things that these heroes gave to us. The opportunities and most importantly the freedom. Give time to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have them because without their help, Filipinos are still imprisoned by the colonizers in our own country.

I hope that as time goes by, we would still continue to thank our heroes for serving our country. With that, we agree, "Heroes are not born; they are created."

Happy National Heroes Day.


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