World’s Freedom Depends on Press Freedom




Freedom of the press is a vital part of society since it serves as the backbone of the democracy of a country or community. The press must be free to report upon issues of public concern without worrying about being detained or subject to other forms of repression since they serve as the public's eyes and ears. And today, May 3, 2023, we celebrate World Press Freedom Day.


Today marks 30 years since the United Nations General Assembly's decision to declare a worldwide day for press freedom. It is celebrated to honour the key principles of press freedom and to stand up for the media against attacks on their independence. This year's theme will be "Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a Driver for all other human rights", highlighting how freedom of expression is necessary for all other human rights to exist and be protected.


Society is reminded on this day of the importance of keeping their commitment to press freedom. Media professionals often use this day to reflect on topics related to press freedom and morality in their professional lives. It is an occasion to honour the core values of press freedom, evaluate the situation of press freedom globally, defend the media against threats to their independence, and pay respects to journalists who have died while doing their duty. 


This is an opportunity to bring emphasis to the international media that the government has silenced. For those who live in countries with press freedoms, it is an important reminder that we must keep fighting to protect these rights not just for the media professionals but also for our own freedom. Over 554 journalists have been killed worldwide in the last ten years for seeking the truth or debating issues their governments believe to be inappropriately discussed or speaking up.

The press must look for the truth, keep the government accountable, and take on the role of the oppressed and voiceless. They are there to enlighten, educate, and empower people to stand up, speak for their rights, and demand laws and effective governance. The press must be accessible, unbiased, and free to perform its crucial function.


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