"Recognizing the International Day for Victims of Religious Violence: A Global Promulgate for Unity and Morality"


By: Kenneth Selverio

Photo By: Joylene Batomalaki

The International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion and Belief marks annually on 22nd of August. It was composed by the UN General Assembly to remember victims as well as to their families and loved ones who have encountered violence , persecution and discrimination based on their religious beliefs or faith.

We all know that violence is aggression.The use of physical force, abuse ,damage or destroy. It can be in different ways. It has a great impact on the feelings, character of an individual. Especially, nowadays, tensions between religions and beliefs are often talked about. Many people are suffering and there seems to be no solution for this issue. But everyone demands for peace ,freedom and justice.

However, we have witnessed a frightening increase of religious tensions and violence. It is our responsibility to speak out for the victims who suffers this kind of situation. This day concedes the importance of aiding victims of religious persecution.

Furthermore, everyone should be aware and practice their beliefs freely and peacefully. Spreading awareness helps push for a world where varied spirituality , principles and religions are treasured.

This day encourages global solidarity to foster understanding and respect for religious diversity. Let us build a world where everyone is protected and every people can practice their own beliefs without fear.


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