Unity in Diversity: Embracing Cultural Diversity and World Solidarity
By: Ron Wesley Mendoza
Photo By: Jhon Lenard Abawag
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development that celebrates not only the rich variety of human culture and art and contributes to sustainable development, but also the importance of intercultural understanding as a tool for achieving peace and development. This includes not only the visible diversity between customs, practices, and languages and expressions, but also the deeper cultural and ethical differences that define communities.
Cultural diversity involves the types of differences that exist between various members of different groups and societies.Thus, cultural diversity is not only realized through the various means through which cultural expressions are elaborated, increased and exchanged through a number of divers cultural expressions, but also in the difference ways in which artistic expressions come into being executed, circulated or shared and are accessed by individuals within society.
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development seeks to fight polarization and stereotypes and promote understanding and collaboration among individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds. It helps communities and organizations across the globe to embrace the beauty of various cultures and acknowledge the value of multiculturalism. Today’s celebrations are one of the steps towards the creation of a fair and tolerant world where cultural differences are not perceived as something negative.
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