Stronger when Together: Edsa People Power Anniversary

By: Cyrus Cuenca Romualdo
Photo By: Alona Myka Balbastro 

Let's recall an important event that has happened in the past. 
EDSA is the acronym for Epifanio de los Santos Avenue. It is the main road in Metro Manila, where a crucial part of our country's history takes place. On the 22nd day of February 1986, millions of Filipinos hoard and march along the road. It is to peacefully stop the dictatorial leadership of President Ferdinand E. Marcos as well as obtain true freedom and democracy. The protest continued until February 25, 1986. By virtue of Proclamation No. 59, s. 1987 was declared the first anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.
Let us always remember that "we can achieve everything when we are together," just like how the millions of Filipinos stood up in those days to achieve the freedom that our country deserved.


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